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Curated conversations with contemporary critics on architecture, and architectural thinking.

Hosted by Vikram Prakash, Professor of Architecture, University of Washington, Seattle, USA.
Available via ITunes, GooglePlay, Stitcher, TuneIn, YouTube
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May 23, 2018

Muqarnas Vault, Masjid-i Shah/Imam, Isfahan. Source: Daniel C. Waugh, Courtesy of

Muqarnas Vault, Masjid-i Shah/Imam, Isfahan. Source: Daniel C. Waugh, Courtesy of


We talk with Architectural historian Christian Hedrick, currently working at the Aga Khan Documentation Center at MIT as a researcher, visiting lecturer at the School of Architecture at Northeastern University and...

May 9, 2018

Ken Oshima with Arata Isozaki
Ken Oshima (left) with Arata Isozaki (right)
We discuss the complexities of practicing architecture and architectural history across cultures, nationalities, and aesthetic regimes with Ken T. Oshima, Professor of Architecture at the University of Washington, Chair of the Japan Studies Program, and recent President of...